
EDD Message

Version: 1.2.5

Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $5.00.


EDD Message
Easily send unique messages directly to customers and vendors. Also allow vendors to message their own customers.
Being able to communicate directly with customers is important. With EDD Message, this becomes much easier. This extension allows store owners to send messages directly to customers right from within their dashboard.

The customer page in the dashboard is extended to include a new view where a custom, unique message can be crafted and delivered to the customer.
Messages sent to customers and vendors from the dashboard can also include attachments so you can send customers files quickly and conveniently. EDD Message also integrates with our Amazon S3 extension so files can be selected from your S3 buckets and used as attachments.

Log all unique messages sent to customers
EDD Message keeps a record of all the messages that have been sent for you to reference in the future. Messages sent to a specific customer are visible on the Message view for that customer and a table of all logged messages is included in Reports – > Logs.


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