GravityForms WP Multilingual

Version: 1.8.1




GravityForms WP Multilingual

Using Gravity Forms with WP Multilingual

Why translate forms

You can use any contact form plugin and simply create different forms, per language. So, what’s the benefit in translating the same form to different languages?

The reason is convenience.

Setting up a form may be a complex process. Often, you may want to include logic for notifications, validation and other “behind the scenes” settings. Additionally, it’s often easier to insert a single “contact us” form into your content, without having to worry about what form in which language you are inserting.

WP Multilingual lets you create one set of forms with Gravity Forms, in your language. Then, you only need to translate the texts that appear in the forms and WP Multilingual will display the form in the right language. It’s the same form and any changes you do on it will apply instantly to all languages.

Ready? Let’s get started!

Translating GravityForms forms

1. Creating a form

In order to translate a form, you need to have a Gravity Form set up in your site. For help, please look at the documentation on creating gravity forms. Here you can see the simple contact form I have created in the WordPress dashboard – English is the default language used (if you have a non-English default language please read the ‘When a non-English language is set to default’ section below)

2. Sending to the Translation Basket

When we translate Gravity Forms, we actually translate only the texts. WP Multilingual will filter the displayed texts in your form and use the translation if they are available.
This goes through WP Multilingual’s Translation Management module and the ‘Gravity Forms Multilingual’ addon. If this is your first encounter with it, we definitely recommend reading about WP Multilingual’s Translation Management.
a. Go to WP Multilingual -> Translation Management
b. Choose ‘Gravity form’ from the Type filter, click on the blue ‘Display’ button – your form/s are shown now on the list of documents to be translated
c. Choose ‘Translate’ and click the ‘Add to translation basket’ button
d. Go to the ‘Translation Basket’, choose a translator and click on the ‘Send all item for translation’ blue button3. Translating your form strings

We are assuming you’ve already created translator users. If not, learn about setting up translators.

Your translators should log into WP Multilingual. They will see a ‘Translators’ menu. Go there to find the translation jobs that you’ve created for them.

a. Go to WP Multilingual > Translations – find your form, (we use here a form called WP Multilingual EN)

b. Click on ‘Take this and edit’ button next to the form’s name to translate all strings (you can also use String Translation if you’d like)
c. Mark ‘This translation is finished.’ when you are satisfied with the translation
d. Click the blue ‘Save translation’ button

*. When a non-English language is set to default

To translate a new form when a non-English language is set to default follow these steps:

Please make sure that your current language is your default non-English one (you can see the languages flag in admin bar at the top of the admin pages)
Add new Form but with all texts in English Yes, it is not a mistake. The form must be created in English.
Send the Form to translation using Translation Dashboard (as usual).
Open WP Multilingual->String Translation and translate all strings from your Form to your non-English default language.
Please do not forget to mark each string as translated and save.


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