
Sales Countdown Timer for WooCommerce and WordPress – Checkout Countdown

Version: 1.1.5

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $4.00.



Sales Countdown Timer for WooCommerce and WordPress – Checkout Countdown
Sales Countdown Timer is a plugin that allows shop owners to boost the Sales in the Sale Campaigns. The plugin can display Sales Countdown Timer any pages by shortcodes. It is a must-have plugin for encouraging customers to purchase by creating urgency psychology.
WooCommerce Sales Countdown Timer:
The plugin displays sales countdown timers in single product pages and the shop page of WooCommerce. The clocks will notify customers when the sales end or how many sale product quantities left. In WooCommerce single product, you can select Sales Countdown Timer settings and schedule sale campaigns.

Select Sales Countdown Timer profile in WooCommerce single product page.
Display countdown clock base on WooCommerce sale scheduled time.
Select specific sale time. WooCommerce allows you to schedule sale time by date. With Sale Countdown Timer you are able to select specific sale time by hours and minutes.
Position in single product pages: select where the countdown clock will be displayed in single product pages. There are many options for you to select: before product price, after product price, before the sale flash badges, after the sale flash badges, before “Add to cart” button, after “Add to cart” button, in the product picture.
Position in archive pages: select where will the countdown click appears in archive pages like shop page, categories pages. There are many options for you to select: before product price, after product price, before sale flash badges, after the sale flash badges, before “add to cart” button, after “add to cart” button, in the product picture.
Display in shop page, categories page, related products: you have options to choose display or hide the countdown clock on these pages.
Upcoming sale message: When you schedule a sale campaign in the future, you can choose to display an upcoming sale message on the single product page. The messages can be customized with a shortcode display of how many time left until the sale time.
Sale ends message: display when will the sale finish message with the shortcode {countdown_timer}.
Shortcode: the shortcode {countdown_timer} will display the countdown clock.
Sale Progress bar – Stock quantity bar:
The plugin integrates a progress bar that displays how many products are available for the sale campaign, how many products are sold and how many left.

Progress bar message: Configure the sale progress bar message as you want with shortcodes.
{quantity_left} – Number of products left
{quantity_sold} – Number of products sold
{percentage_left} – Percentage of products left
{percentage_sold} – Percentage of products sold
{goal} – The goal that you set on the single product page
Progress bar type: select to display the sale progress as increase or dicrease.
Order status: select what order status that will be counted in the progress bar.
Position: there are 2 positions for the sale progress bar above the countdown clock and below the countdown clock.
Design: configure the frontend of the progress bar with options for width, height, background color, text color, and border-radius.
Shortcode Countdown Timer
The plugin does not require WooCommerce to work. You can display countdown clocks anywhere by using shortcodes. Settings for Countdown Timer shortcode are similar to the WooCommerce Countdown Timer, the difference is that WooCommerce Countdown Timer displays WooCommerce sale time and the Countdown Timer shortcode display your chosen time. You can learn how to use shortcode to create a sale countdown timer here

Display countdown timer by shortcodes.
Select countdown time in the plugin backend.


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