
Woocommerce Customer Order CSV Import Suite

Version: 3.12.2

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $9.00.


Woocommerce Customer Order CSV Import Suite

Product DescriptionEasily import Customers, Orders, and Coupons via a CSV file
Mass import hundreds, even thousands of customers and orders into your WooCommerce store with the Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite. This user-friendly importer will import customers with a minimum of hassle, and can import orders and link them to your shop’s customers and products.

With a relatively simple and forgiving import format, this is an ideal tool when migrating an existing shop on a different eCommerce platform to WooCommerce, allowing you to maintain your customer accounts and order history. Have coupons to migrate from your old eCommerce platform, or campaigns requiring the creation of hundreds of coupons or more? The importer will import those, too!

What can the CSV Importer do?
Import customer data name, email, addresses, whether they are a paying customer, etc
Import order data order amounts, linked customer, addresses, items, order notes, order numbers (works especially well when paired with the Sequential Order Number Pro plugin), and more
Import coupons – all coupon fields are supported, including sale item exclusions and usage limits NEW
Import custom fields (meta) for customers, orders, and coupons
Merge customers, useful for mass-updating customer information
Merge coupons – useful for mass-updating coupon data
Links imported orders to customers and products
Supports multiple shipping methods per order NEW
Flexible import format requires a minimum of fields to import, but allows fully defined customers, orders, and coupons
Fully compatible with the Order / Customer CSV Export extension
Optional import record offset for skipping rows means you don’t have to break up very large files into multiple pieces to successfully import

How to Get Started (in 5 minutes or less)

Buy this extension !
Download and install into your WooCommerce store
Read the Documentation and download the sample CSV files to see the format required for import.
Add your data to the CSV file, upload, and click import.
That’s it! Sit back and enjoy your perfectly imported customers, orders, and coupons!


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