
Auto Photo Albums – WordPress Multi Level Image Grid Gallery

Version: 2.0

Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $4.00.



Auto Photo Albums – WordPress Multi Level Image Grid Gallery
This is a WordPress plugin that scans a folder in your WordPress installation containing images and folders. The plugin will make a grid responsive gallery taking the folders as albums.

The images are uploaded via FTP, so you can take advantage of the goodies of FTP uploads. For example: “transmit” (for MAC) or “FTP Droplet Lite” (for Windows)

You can use droplets so then you only would have to drag and drop the images into a folder in your desktop computer and that’s it, the droplet will automatically connect via FTP to your folder in your WordPress installation.

Place the plugin in your pages or posts with a shortcode and then just drag and drop images into folders via FTP or how ever you can contect to your WordPress files!
you only need to take care of organizing your images in folders and if you want adding thumbnails.

There is no limit so you can keep creating folders/albums of images inside a folder inside a folder inside a folder and the plugin will read them all creating a breadcrumb at the top so you can navigate back.


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